of shoppers are looking for more trusted help with their purchases
of shoppers want better online tools for validating purchase decisions
of shoppers prefer brands that provide personalised recommendations
For Every Goal, There’s a FEVO Solution
Less effort, more sales. Win-win.
A rehumanised online shopping experience doesn’t just lead to more enjoyment. It also leads to more purchases. FEVO’s suite of products brings the interactive elements of shopping — discovery, coordination, validation — back into the e-commerce flow, resulting in:
Improved add-to-basket rates
Lower cart abandonment
Higher overall conversions
A new brand advocate with every purchase
Those social ads you buy will get you one shopper. Then you’ll have to buy another. And another. FEVO puts the shoppers you’ve already earned to work, prompting them to build communities of friends and followers who share a common interest: your brand.
Acquisition costs go down, incremental sales go up. Welcome to organic brand advocacy at scale.
Greater engagement, greater loyalty
FEVO allows your customers to connect, converse and compare items right on your site, increasing site visits, time on page and items considered. As your site becomes an addictive social destination, loyalty and retention go through the roof.
Influencer marketing, supercharged
We know your brand ambassador relationships are valuable. With FEVO, all the impressions they attract can generate more conversions than ever — our tools increase consumer engagement with influencer campaigns while simultaneously streamlining the path from post to purchase.
Insights that never leave your site
When a shopper connects with friends using FEVO’s Social Checkout™, you get complete ownership of every new customer journey that follows — and all the valuable insights that come with them. Keep your consumer data right where it belongs: in your hands and yours alone.